Saturday, December 15, 2012

或许 我应该被火烧一烧 才懂得学会勇敢和把事情看开.....

原本今天应该很开心的..但是经过一些事情真的开心不起来...其实是很小的事情来的,我不知道我自己为什么我要那么看不开.... 我有时候真的很庆幸我跟中学朋友还可以那么好,或许他们真的包容了我很多的不好,而我自己不知道.... 我一直觉得我自己很不会交际...我在这里没有那种很好的朋友,但是却有很多hi bye friend..... 我不知道为什么我跟他们做不到好朋友,可能因为文化关系还是怎样...还是其实是我自己的问题....因为我不够social所以就只能这样..... 我曾经想过以后我毕业会不会不会有朋友来跟我拍照,然后跟家人拍完照之后就可以拍拍屁股走人...完全没有人知道我是谁这样...也想过以后我结婚请人来喝喜酒却找不到人可以请,然后全部都是中学同学,别人就会觉得为什么我没有大学朋友这样... wtf 我承认我有时候真的想很多...我甚至会觉得为什么别人的生活那么多姿多彩可是我的却那么闷.... 然后我就会想,如果当初我没有说要来这边读书 会不会现在事情变得不一样..会不会我可能就会多几个大学朋友....

我真的不知道是我的问题还是怎样..... 别人觉得我很会交际..我一直以来也这样觉得..直到来到这边 然后对着一堆人出了自我介绍之外却不知道要说什么之外,我就知道原来不是这样的..... 我真的可以对着一个人却不知道要说什么... 读foundation的时候,那些朋友过得生活真的我不喜欢,所以之后也就不了了之...算了.上大学第一年的时候,认识了住在一起的人...但是之后那些我简称他们为非常bitchy的bitch flatmates竟然为了一些很不值得的电费最后搞到反目成仇 我真的不知道为什么...我没有跟人说,上一次我要上飞机的那天早上,我哭到很厉害,就是因为那些很bitchy的bitch flatmates..

到现在,班上的都是hi bye friend..Language整班只有我一个亚洲人, Business其实也是...有时候会很开心,很光荣,但有时候真的不是.......我都是自己一个人,而且我也习惯了自己一个人..可能我真的很不social...所以现在才会这样...我甚至应该想到下一年我要自己一个人住..至少 我不会有现在那么多的事情...而且我真的宁愿替自己所做的事情 所造的垃圾善后 我也不要帮这没有责任感 不懂得善后的人善后 甚至我觉得迟早会把我当清洁工的人整理他们所制造的垃圾....

现在住的地方其实很好...真的...但是从我知道又一个男生跟我一起住,我就知道以后会很烦..... wtf 有时候真的第六感都没有现在那么准.....妈妈一直叫我看开一点 但是我不知道为什么自己有时候真的做不到.... 爸爸叫我不要哭 因为不值得,我跟他讲我没有哭 但是其实我在哭 我不想让他担心 觉得他的女儿再这里过得不好... 但是我在想 为什么我每次都遇到这样的问题 为什么每次都是我 我真的有时候会觉得很累 为什么别人没有这样的问题但是我却每次都遇到..我觉得很委屈... 我甚至想回Malaysia读 至少我可以不用再面对这些问题...但是确实这些问题让我看到世界上有很多不同的人...你真的要看开一点...我真的在学......我要怎样才能摆脱这些所谓别人没有但我有的问题.... 我在学不计较 但是很难...或许人生的课题就是很难及格..或许就是要跌倒很多次,站起来很多次你才会知道怎么拿高分...我会继续学,我知道很难...

至少我很珍惜我现在的朋友...虽然我们很久见一次面,但是至少我很开心...而且我也很庆幸因为再旅行认识的那个香港朋友我们到现在都很好....我知道我一直都想很多,我很不想这样,但是我不知道能怎样....我甚至想到我以后结不了婚 wtf 我真的不知道为什么我会有这种想法....

Facebook的一句话说得对,朋友有时候还是中学的好.....谢谢我的朋友包容了我很多.....我会检讨....我会变更好.... 今天真的很糟糕 我真的希望我可以平平安安住完这一年,我不希望再有让我烦心的事情发生.....我已经没有心力去面对了.我累了...我想离开这个城市..........

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Camp in Quinta Hall, North Wales

FINALLY!!!!!! :) Update my blog with this post, which happened around October i think... YES! It was in October during Red Week.

Joined quite much activities that held by church lately, but still not a Christian yet. It's a nice experience for me. I always hope to stay in a countryside for around one week, without any stress and perhaps, throw away my phone too! :) And this time, I really did! It's a small town in North Wales, and not to deny, a countryside which do not have much shops and transportation...

We stayed there for three days two nights, and meals were all provided by the students that joined the church. A big thank you to them because they really made many good foods for us. We have 5 meals a day - breakfast, lunch, hi-tea, dinner and supper! Everything was too nice! :D

During the period, we had games, hiking, workshop and some singspiration that always be done by Christian. It's a nice time with them, which makes me thought of the time when i always stayed overnight at Chong Hwa Hostel with my band members for camp! :)

Pictures below will bring you to see the beauty of the nature, somehow forgot by the city people. :) And, it is randomly arranged...

Some random boat that owned by families will pass by this canal, but i don't really like some of them which really polluted the air.

View on the way of hiking.

The last day morning, when we were ready to get back. 

If you can see the railway in the picture with some tombs, it somehow looks like the railway that appear in the movie Harry Potter..

Tree of Autumn.

That's all for this post. Mostly pictures, but i took quite a long time to upload it because the apps in my Iphone always showed me the word RETRY UPLOAD which makes me freaking fed up with it. Next post might be - Manchester United match or Trip to Bath!!! :)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November to December

大家应该很想念我了,所以我回来了...... 那天嘉嘉才问我为什么我没有update我的blog.... OK,我不是故意的...原本是要update我去camp的post的...然后照片都在电话里面,我就用电话来update...但是不知道为什么到一半的时候,它不给我upload照片了...所以就一直hang在那边到现在...... 对不起!!!!! 我知错了!!!!!

最近也是这样....这边有时候真的很闷....但是Reading Week过了之后好像没有什么motivation.... 我很想去旅行.....真的很想.......但是我的想是自己一个人的...我知道听起来好像很荒谬的感觉...但是我就是想要自己一个人去旅行....我知道很危险,但是还想试一试....虽然很不可能,因为爸爸妈妈会不放心... 但是我不会放弃的!至少都要有一次的一人旅行..... :)

最近............功课还好...每次爸爸问起功课怎样的时候,我都跟他说OK啦,这样啦....搞到之后他每次都会好像自问自答,因为他已经懂我会怎样回答了....我每次报喜不报忧的,因为我不想让他们担心....以前的习惯是功课都是last min做,现在也是..所以看起来好像很忙,但其实还好.....看起来好像很多功课,但其实就是明天交了就没有了,却还是感觉有很多要做...可能因为真的是last min的关系.... 之前在facebook看到一个是讲 - 中学时,忙得很充实,但是到了大学,忙得很空虚....他妈的 我现在就是这样的感觉.....但其实真的没有很多,不知道为什么都自己把它想像成很多的感觉.....

加上,现在会很期待每个星期的weekend到来....我觉得我可以死了...真的没有motivation... 然后读多两个礼拜就放假了....放三个星期,没有旅行..That's why我一直讲我想去旅行.......因为我有预感会很无聊.....顶多就读书!

就这样, camp的post, 不要担心,我还是会upload,因为我真的拍了很breathtaking 的照片想跟你们分享...然后应该还会uplaod去Bath的post吧! But,请耐心地等待哦.... :)

还有,我会努力读书,努力做功课,虽然不喜欢做功课... 哈哈哈!   

Sunday, October 14, 2012

One Month

时间好快 又一个月了...... 说不想家是骗人的,我好想回家.... :( 好想念Malaysia的一切........ 有时候真的很希望时间快点过 那么我就可以快点回家.....

开学了..一切都步上轨道啦,所以不需要太担心,而且我也可以照顾好自己,就更不用担心啦! :) 我会很好的.... 这个礼拜要去Wales了...很期待很期待...是教会的Welcome Camp... 然后我就会联想到以前管乐团的集训营或者去交流的时候.... 希望也跟以前一样好玩... :) 突然间好想念以前中学的时候...但是人还是要长大.... 长大就会遇到很多事情,你就会发觉还是童年最快乐....

打下打下发觉我打的东西有一点emo.... LOLOL 还是要开心点.... 我很开心的... 有一点点plan要去玩了.... 从Wales回来之后,会去Bath... 然后我想抽空去Chester...想自己一个人去啊...再看看吧...然后要去Salford Quay 和 Bicester Village的outlet,但是不要担心...我没有那么多现金,主要是去走走看看,离开这繁忙的城市...加上我不买名牌的.... 所以我是奇怪的女孩..... 没有很多衣服,不爱名牌,不会打扮,不会化妆.... 哈哈哈哈哈

就这样....一个月,好像很emo地说........ 我没事的,没事的,不要担心!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

曼城 下雨天

最近都在下雨 好烦... 想穿美一点却又下雨.... 所以之后都会随便随便穿... 桃花都被赶走了 哈哈哈哈

昨天开始上课了... 大致上应该还不错吧! 今年期许自己要比去年更用功 更努力,然后要考到更好的成绩.. 虽然爸爸都会讲不要给自己压力,成绩不好没有关系,可是我自己会介意一下.... 然后当然也希望他会开心,看到我的成绩很不错这样... :)

昨天好狼狈... 要开学了可是时间表还没有出...我一个一个tutor去email来问...结果一个tutor weekend不要reply...星期一,也就是昨天早上8.49才reply,跟我讲9点有一个lecture,10点有一个tutorial..我check mail的时候已经9.45了....然后在9.53才快快随便穿,随便整理,随便出门....又下雨! 好狼狈... 连早餐也没有吃,只吃了一粒苹果... 所以我等下还要去上课,补回昨天的lecture,怕我miss掉一些重要的... 不然今天是没有class的....

所以我一个星期只有4天有class, off一天! 想找工,但是这边找工很麻烦.. 要写CV or interview的.... 虽然是没有急钱用,但是可以当作经验... 然后也可以有额外的零用钱.... 做一下子也无所谓,不一定要做长期的....

就这样吧! 我家厨房还没正式开锅...所以这几天都吃面包,饼干... 要呕了! 再见.

P/S: 希望第二年可以顺顺利利的,不要有太大起大落的事情,然后住宿这边也可以很好,不要多多问题! 我发觉越长越大,越希望事情可以简单就好.. :) 有时候简单就是幸福!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September 2012 in Manchester

Still did remember i have a blog here, but was too lazy to update as there are now having Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. These three platform help much to update you guys about me, especially when i had back to Manchester. :)

The fourth day back in Manchester. Induction for tomorrow morning at 10. Sleeping early and waking up early too for these days. Time difference effected. Homesick, was not serious as previously, but still miss Malaysia, especially home! But everything is fine. I will take good care of myself! No worries. :)

As promised in the previous post, i want to update about life in Malaysia, but still, lazy. Can't do it here because my phone can't connect to the Wi-fi and all the photos are in my phone. I think will do it later, for sure! :)

Just to tell, everything goes well. :) Just a bad weather in Manchester as usual. By the way. changed my phone lock screen and home screen wallpaper and i love it so much! Fits well!

That's all! Bye! Continue on my new sudoku as i left the old one at home. Yea, Malaysia home.

Friday, August 3, 2012

The laziness in MALAYSIA

HELLO EVERYONE! Finally back here to update my blog. Grass can be seen in these two months. Sorry for not updating because i'm busy and lazy. Yea, busy to be a lazy person. xD

Back in Malaysia for two months. But it's already August now. So i still left around one and a half month staying in this fabulous place. Everything is amazing except the weather is seriously killing me. :) Did many things in these two months. Outings with friends and traveling. Getting down to Singapore next week. Can't wait to get into Universal Studio. Oh yay!

Will post up those photos in the next post! Stay tuned! :D

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Yea... I am now in the airport, using my phone to update.. Waiting for the gate to open and board! :)

See you soon, Malaysia!

Thursday, May 31, 2012


Hola! :) Should be going today for lunch but outside is raining after days of sunshine. Like finally, but doesn't mean it is nice as well. Just hope the rain can stop so i can fill my stomach. I'm hungry now.

Hohoho. Getting into stage 3 now : -

Stage 1: Exam-ing

Stage 2 : Pack-ing

Stage 3 : Countdown-ing

Stage 4 : Airport!

It's 31st of May today!!! June coming! Malaysia waiting! :)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Progress

Packing : ----------------------------------------------------------------75%

Ciao! Good night! :) Gonna wake up naturally tomorrow morning. Hope i can.

P/S: God bless me! My luggage won't burst and i won't exceed my luggage allowance.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Ok la. Firstly, what i need to say is - This post should be updated at yesterday night and now i should be packing again. But, i have no idea why i was so that tired yesterday night, until i start to sleep at around 9 o'clock. Alright. Not the main point, the main point is - due to the summer period now in Manchester, the day gets dark at around 9.30 or 10 at night. So i slept when the day is bright like noon, and wake up again this morning at around 7.30 o'clock, which the day is also bright enough, too. This is what summer calls, hot weather and bright day. -.- And i have no air-con in my room.

Everyone keep asking me when i am going back. I thought i had told some of you guys but i think you guys forgot again. It's alright. Not to say i feel annoyed or what la, just annoyed of packing stuff. At least i'm happy that you guys asked as concern. LOL. That's why the post should be updated at yesterday night because yesterday night i should already be in the plane. DONE!

I'm gonna share another song of Nick again. Perhaps you guys already get annoyed for that. I didn't really mean to keep promoting him just because he is handsome. It's because i really think that his song is really nice and fresh. By the way, the song that i'm gonna share is quite motivating. Just listen to the lyrics. :)

That's all for this post. I need to continue packing. You will realize this post is a bit different and out of my style. To be honest, now is just only 10.15 in the morning. I had woke up three hours after around 10 hours sleep, but now i feel like sleeping again. Ciao. Either packing or sleeping back.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Summer in Manchester.

I'm back again! Well, i just realized people seems to blog less recently because there are now too much social media platform, such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and many more. But no worries, i will still continue blogging because i think it's a different way of expressing my life. :)

Back from Cheshire Oak yesterday. It's the first time that i get away from Manchester by myself, alone. I think it is a nice experience as you can really calm down yourself and look at the world. Nowadays, people having smartphone are less communicated to other people. I think, perhaps, you should really put away your smartphone, and see the world. You will found out that everything is so nice and simple! :D That's why, you know sometimes, i really hate using smartphone during gathering because at the same time, you talk less, so what for to gather? Except that using it to take photos. LOL

Well, Cheshire Oak is a designer outlet, so you can find many branded goods with cheap and discounted price there, such as Burberry, Ted Baker, Armani, Ralph Lauren and many more. Obviously, went there for shopping. :) Hehehe But seriously not much things to buy because like what i had mentioned, i don't really buy branded goods. The most expensive branded goods that i have is just only my Mac. Then Nike. Yea, still Nike the best!

It's was quite far from Manchester. But luckily i met some kind English that help to lead me to my destination. :) They are always friendly. Just walked and shopped around. I can't found the freaking cheap nice heels, but i got another pair of shoes from Nike, which just only cost me 15 pounds. And it is so damn nice! :D Also, i bought a pair of pants for brother and Lacoste products for my Dad. :)

That's all for a day! Just realized Nick is the ambassador of Lacoste in Taiwan. Hah! But not gonna buy Lacoste products because it is expensive, except if there have any discount or sales. :) My dad loves Lacoste so much!

Alright! Keep updating when i think packing is too frustrated. xD Oh yea, people keep asking me when i am going back. Aha! Stay tuned at my blog because i am finding a good timing to "announce" it. And i'm starting to countdown! :D

P/S: Going to fellowship tonight and before that, Spanish meal with friend. Gonna confess that Paella is the most delicious food in the world! :)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Finally! :D

Oh Yay Babe!!! Finally - Malaysia's waiting! :)

Third paper ended yesterday night, when the clock strikes eight. :) You can't ever imagine how happy am i, when i saw the watch - from 7:59:59 to 8:00:00. Not boosting. I really did after finished my last checking for the paper, and looked at my watch.

Waited this day for days and months. And finally it's here! Well, continue on my packing first before ready to board the plane! LOL Progress for packing still fine, but at least you can see the whole wardrobe went from full to empty! Yea, a BIG progress. :)  Oh by the way, souvenirs are first come first served basis. I mean the food. Bringing back waffle that you can't find in Malaysia and chocolates! Act fast! Personally reserved some of them to Jiajia already. LOL Because i think she needs waffle more than biscuits.

Booked my air ticket that i had mentioned previously. Wanted to change but failed. :/ It's alright. I had found something for myself. Going to Cheshire Oak this coming Thursday. It's a designer outlet. But i don't think i will buy much, mainly just for relaxation. Hope my purse have some relaxation too. LOL As i just spotted a nice heels. :)

Luggage, luggage, please be nice to me! I don't want my mind burst because of you. That's all for this post! Next post might be, either in Manchester, or Malaysia!

Again! :D

P/S: Lakers can't get into final. Disappointment. :X

Friday, May 18, 2012

Pack - Packed - Packing

Uhhhhhhh, can someone come to Manchester and help me to pack ar? 

Third Paper Comin' Up!

I'm back here again. And i just realized that i update my blog quite frequent recently. Hmmm..... Just perhaps i'm too bored. Well, i need to study and pack, but i'm LAZY! LOL Packing is annoying and studying is confusing. I still studied and packed okay. Just in a slower motion. xD

Planning for my activities after my summer exam. And i started to feel a little bit regret that i booked my air ticket, going back home so late. I have two groups of friends - one is keep asking me "Why am i going back home so early", but another group, including my mom, asked "Why am i going back home so late"... OK! I know my mum misses me. :) But now i hope to change my air ticket, if there have no extra charges or not i will killed by my dad.

Ah! Something that really need to mentioned about is - I went for the Manchester City Trophy Parade this Monday. They got the champion this year. And last year was Manchester United. It was quite a nice experience. Well, and quite lucky that my friends asked me out because i don't think i can find a bunch of friends next year for the parade again. A nice one.

Alright. Planned something after my exam is - I think i'm going for outlet. Just spotted a pair of heels that is really, freaking cheap! Forgot what the brand is, but not the point - the point is the heels is nice enough. I don't really like branded product, and i don't get why people like branded product. *No offense* But you know, when you are spending your or your parents money on branded products, why don't you just think about other who are poor that can't even get foods for themselves. I can accept if you spend your own money on it, but not your parents one. Should stop to avoid complain, just basically my personal view. Not hate, just dislike. Alright, really STOP!

Packing going on, still, as time goes on. Please be nice, packing stuff. You make me so tired. Alright. Should be studying but ended up blogging and now i should sleep. Lastly, a picture of my love. I love his music, seriously! And i think if he is not a star, he might be a good friend with Jiajia cause both of them love leopard print! LOLOL I think i'm getting crazy soon, too.
Nick! :D

P/S: LA Lakers keep losing to Oklahoma City. Please be ready for final, PLEASE! I want to see Lakers in final again. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Progress - ing

Exam: ....................................................66.6%
Packing: ..............20%

Alright! Above is just some progress for what i am doing recently. I don't know why i just feel like sleeping for every moment. And i feel tired and sleepy since the minute i wake up. And i have no reason why, for every day, i can wake up at around 8 or 9 o'clock, although i have no classes. And the point is - i tried to sleep back until the time that i want to wake up, for around 11 or 12, but i can't. YES. I think i'm getting older. -.-

Finally, started to pack. Mum keep remind me that i need to start packing since last week. In addition, i have no exam for this week. My last exam is at next Monday. So, yea..... I didn't really think too much when i haven't start. But after i had started, i have a bad thinking - i have too much stuff which might then lead to lack of luggage. WTF. Please don't let this happen. God bless. I will die. And packing is just too annoying. I keep thinking how should i organize my luggage so it can look nicer and tidier. Killed much of my brain cells. *For your information, it's just 2 o'clock in the afternoon and i already need to sleep.*

Spot a cute and handsome boy recently. He is way too perfect! And i am crazy over him! WooHoo! :D
Teeheeeee.. I mentioned him as Nick boy in front of PhuiAnn and YoongWei. LOL Some of you guys might know who is him because he did appear in Jolin's MV before. And i love his music style as well!

This is his new song. He has a different composing for this song, a faster version, but i prefer this one.

Alright. I just have nothing to do and came for blogging nonsense. I don't think i will touch my luggage for days first because it is just too tiring. LOL Gonna sleep or keep clicking my laptop for nothing.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

2 And 3

2 more subjects,
and 3 more weeks to go!

Malaysia's waiting!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hello May! :)

Time flies. Hello May! :) You are just so welcomed because it means that i'm getting nearer to the day of getting back home, but still, EXAM first. Uhhhh, shouldn't be here because i should be studying right now, at this moment. :S But i don't feel like studying. So i'm here to have a short update.

Three subjects for my exam but it takes the whole month to finish it. Even one of my flatmate who starts her exam at 8th of May finishes earlier than me. Well, think in a positive way, at least the gaps between each exam is wide enough for me to study. 2nd of May for the first subject - Spanish. So i have no Labour Day. I need to revise for my Spanish.

Really can't wait to get back home. Every moment when i am studying, i just hope that i am packing! And my mum already ask me to start packing! :) Yea i should do. So this week after the Spanish exam, i will take my winter jackets to the laundry for dry cleaning. *First step of packing!* Also, i have booked my air ticket. Not going to tell you the date for now, until i thinking that the timing is suitable! LOL Just seems so mystery! Like a surprise.

Happy Birthday June! Hope you have a good one!
Happy Birthday Daddy! I love you always, as long as i am your lovely daughter!
Happy Marriage Prince William! *Just to show that i am a good UK student LOL*
NBA playoffs starts. So how can i study? LOL Still LA Lakers the best!

And i already start to plan all the things after exam!
-Thailand with YoongWei and my mum.
-Singapore to visit Jiajia because she might not be in Malaysia when the time i am.
-Beijing with my mum and my aunt. *Hope it really make it*
-Be a princess at home and my mum will do all the things for me. LOL

OK! Should study now but it's nearly 11 and i thinking i will be sleeping in around 11.30.. I don't know why i need so much sleep recently.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Titanic Fever and The Phantom of The Opera Cold

Cinemas worldwide is now showing Titanic 3D. For me, it is a must-watch movie because i tried to watch it during my school time after i had played the music score in my band. But when i asked my mum for the DVD, she asked me to find out by myself and i nearly rebuilt my house. Ended up nothing so i need to watch it in the cinema. Once the trailer was out, it said that you need to be holding hands with your loves one to watch this movie due to the love story of Jack and Rose, but i just watched ALONE. YES! It's sound so sad because i don't have either a boyfriend or a friend to accompany me.

Well, but i still enjoy the whole three hours movie time! And i cried at the ending part. I think the whole cinema was either pairs or groups and just only me was alone. -.- Anyway, Jack Dawson is just freaking handsome in the movie. And the 3D effect when the incident happen was amazing too! I think it is worth to watch! :) And because it is my memory with my band, when you really know how to sing all the music while the movie was playing is awesome! And i think i am the only one in the cinema who can do this! xD

The day after i had watched Titanic 3D, i went to watch The Phantom of the Opera. It's a theater show. And i really want to watch a theater show in Manchester. The first time that really make me want to watch a theater show is because they were showing The Sound of Music, which i had played the music score before, and again in my band. But at that time, i felt that the price was really damn expensive which if i told my mum, and i think she will refused.

Then, i found out that Palace Theater in Manchester is going to show The Phantom of The Opera, due to the 25th anniversary of this show, which again make me really want to watch it. And also, Phantom is a really famous one, among students in Malaysia. In addition, i played the music score in my band, AGAIN. LOL So, i told my mum and unexpectedly, she agreed and she said that, if i watch a theater show in Malaysia, it might be the same value or even more expensive. So the next day after i told her, i just went to buy the tickets because the ticket was selling fast. Everything of this was happened in November 2011. xP

And after months of waiting, finally, the day had came! My mum even remind me sometimes when we Skype just to prevent if i forgot this show. So when April starts, i just keep countdown for the day! I really can't wait to watch this show and this is my first time watching theater show which you rarely can find in Malaysia. This day is important, for me, and i even wore heels, although sometimes i wore to school. -.-

More than what i expected, the show was fabulous. Just only thing that they really need to improved is - they need to let the chandelier dropped, but i think is not really possible because of the cost. But at that part, the ceiling that they made did dropped and some sound effect of the chandelier. I was very satisfied - the vocal, the show, the music and even the orchestra! But one thing, which i more prefer is - they should place the orchestra above the stage but not below stage, which just make me can only see the conductor but not the whole orchestra. *Yes, i know i am demanding much although it already can be counted as prefect!* And i just hope that i can watch this show second time! :(

Exams is coming in one week time. I have started to study but not really in the mood because i keep thinking that - after the exams, i can get back to Malaysia, which makes me so excited and happy! I will be back in June, to celebrate my birthday because i had missed my 18th birthday with my family. And for me, birthday is a very important date to be with family, although i was not with my family when my father's, mother's and brother's birthday. :(

People asked me to stay longer in Manchester as i can do some trips, but i think i still have three years studies in Manchester, which is a long time to go and i think i need to spend more time with my family. I just counted - if every summer break, i get back to Malaysia at June and then get back to Manchester at the mid of September, i just have three months and one week more to be in Malaysia, which i think is not very enough. Yes. I am a mummy girl, and i cried whenever i thought of my family.

Secretly telling you a story, i send my dad an email days before about my accommodation thingy in Manchester for next year. I have less topic to talk with my dad compare to my mum. But, i don't really want to be so serious, so at the end of the mail, i just wrote a P/S saying that one and a half month to go to see me. After typing this sentence, i just burst into crying. I have no idea, perhaps just missing my family too much. And although i am more closer with my mum, but i still love my dad.

OK! Just till here for this post. Daddy's birthday coming on this Sunday and exams is coming in one week time. I just need to be in the study mood! Loves. :)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Scotland Trip Day 3

Day 3: Edinburgh - York

这一天,我们就从Hamilton出发到Edinburgh...因为昨天到达的时间,旅游景点都已经关门了...所以今天就有机会走一走...而且因为昨天没有去到Loch Ness,所以有更多时间在Edinburgh.... Edinburgh出名的是城堡....而它本身的名字也是一座城堡来的...城堡里面应该有蛮多东西可以看的,关于苏格兰或者英格兰的...但是我没有进去,因为觉得时间有一点不够之外,票价也有一点贵...那天我们去的票价是16镑....而且导游说,票价会每一个固定时间起一点点这样.... 0.0 要去的就要注意啦 - 它是九点半才开门的喔!
 Edinburgh Castle


在城堡那边拍完照之后,因为香港母女是基督教的,加上那天是星期日,教堂有Sunday Service....所以我就跟他们一起进去见识一下... :)基本上个人觉得还不错!教堂里面的Pipe organ真的听得我很感动,很想流泪...真的!我当下听到那个音乐真的很想哭,就不知道为什么!而且也觉得很壮观的说!这种事情有时候要亲身经历过,不然你不会知道我当下为什么会想要流眼泪 LOL 而且,在教堂里面,整个人都会很平静! 说一说,我们去的教堂是昨天有po到照片的St.James Cathedral. :)


 从教堂出来看到这个就一定要照相的啦!要给钱,但是你要给多少就多少,没有强迫性的 :)

 这个很特别的建筑物是Scottish Parliament来的..虽然在同一个国家,但是苏格兰和英格兰有不一样的政府.
 The Queen's Gallery 之人很小,风很大,头发很乱!

远处的Edinburgh Castle...它是建在死火山上的....

之后我们就离开Edinburgh,往我们的下一站出发去 - York!这个地方我上次有来过,但是这次回来就当作再一次回味这美丽的城市吧! :) 
 这边就是Scotland和England的交界线啦!应该是要做车才会经过吧.... 所以Scotland这个牌以后的地区就是属于Scotland的

 而且还有风景可以看! :) 一群羊儿在后



 这里的建筑物特别的地方就是有别于一半的建筑物 - 他们上一层比下一层的面积大..所以如果再往上建的话,最后就会撞在一起....

说了那么久我一直跟着那对香港母女...最后在离开前当然要拍张照片留念啦! :)

这就是我的Easter Holiday的其中一part啦! 个人觉得还不错...毕竟到处走走看看也是很好的选择...有机会当然还想回来这些美丽的城市继续探索它们的神秘.... :) 请各位耐心地期待我的下一篇吧! 谢谢阅读......