Monday, February 28, 2011


*上面的新年快乐中间有一个句号是我特地放的...不知道为什么,就突然间想这样...好像蔡旻佑的专辑 - 寂寞.好了 XD*
在上一篇我有讲过了的 - 我做工做到年三十晚,而且还可以早放工回家吃团圆饭.... =D七点就放工了,然后就等妈妈来接我去和爸爸,大伯和两个婆婆吃团圆饭....OK!!在这里我不想解释为什么我会有两个婆婆啦...等我心血来潮我就会在这里跟大家交代清楚了的... Ehehehe XD 之前妈妈就跟爸爸商量好了要去大城堡的海外天吃团圆饭的...因为他们的菜单比较适合老人家吃这样啦...可是事实并非大家想象地那么简单....他们帮那些菜取的名字好像很好吃酱,可是其实没有很好吃.... *这也是爸爸妈妈选海外天的其中一个原因*而且又贵到一个极点....吃完了全部人还讲以后都不要来这边吃了.... =.=


七早八早就起身了...第一站一定是去叔公的家,这是多年不变的习惯?传统?来的...所以我不会每次都讲年初一没有东西做....虽然有一点闷,而且来的人一年比一年少酱....在那边能做的事就是拿红包和吃免费早餐...不然就是吃零食...然后走来走去...可是每一年我的叔公一定会请舞狮来的,然后放鞭炮...舞狮就一定是请世界冠军 - 关圣公.... *如果没有错应该是这样写* 所以每年都会很期待舞狮表演.... =) OWH!!! 顺便让你知道一下 - 叔公就是我公公的弟弟或者是哥哥..... Hehehehe =D

可是今年舞狮表演出了一些意外...因为今年有两个舞狮来,然后又分开表演...第二只舞狮表演的时候,从最高那边跌下来...吓到我们全部人...他一站上去最高那边的时候就已经不稳了,然后我以为他是假装不稳的,怎知道就跌下来了... @.@ 可是他跌下来之后又重新来过啦....
妈妈讲这张弟弟拍得不好看,所以他又拍另外一张...然后还是不好看,所以总共拍了三次... =.=


大概十一点多就回家...睡一下了之后,就下怡保....每年都是初一下去的,都没有塞车,可是不知道为什么今年会塞车塞到很够力....够力到我爸爸差一点要U-turn回KL.... =.= 可是最后还是安全到达,但是就花了三四个小时到那边....到的时候也整四点多五点... @.@ 然后就去阿姨,婆婆的家这样...没多久就吃晚餐了...这天这个晚餐还好吃过我们吃的团圆饭! 吃完了就再吹水一下... 然后又回KL... =.= 是每一年都是这样...很少在那边过夜的...


But我要看戏,我就一直跟他讲"等一下等一下"....然后他又知道我的名字,就一直在那边"婉宁姐姐,婉宁姐姐"..幸好那天我很有耐心...不然我也不知道我会做出什么事来.... =.= 年初三就有三辆车从Batu Pahat和新加坡上来我们家...整间家突然间变到很热闹...其实是很吵... =.=大人讲话,小孩子乱叫,Baby哭...吵到够力!

之后他们讲要去天后宫...所以我们整家人就跟他们一起去.... 很久没有去了...可是也没有什么东西看....然后就回家...在外面吃了晚餐之后,他们就回去了...

年初四 - Clarinet Gathering!!!!! ♥♥
是的!!!好像很久Clarinetists都没有一起约出来走街或者是什么了...上次欢就问我要不要出来...知道自己有时间了,就问全部Clarinetists看下有没有空一起出来聚一聚...虽然有几个放飞机没有来,可是其实还是不错一下.... =)

子芯最早到...所以我跟他就去Starbucks坐下来谈天先...其实是我要喝Starbucks... Ehehehehe XD 然后,慧俐,以欢和瑞琪就到了...我们也就继续坐在那边谈天...蕙淇也到了...最后佩仪也到了...坐在那边聊了很久....之后就去找东西吃...

就找到了Pasta Zanmai....叫了东西就继续聊...太久没见面了,所以其实我们有很多东西聊...至于聊什么 - 不可以跟你们讲的....大家就慢慢陆续回家...可是还是可以继续聊!!! =D最后,就剩下我,以欢和瑞琪...我们就去McD买冰淇淋来吃...那个瑞琪大吃到........他买两个来吃!!! *吃肥你啊!!* 之后他们回家了,我就找爸爸妈妈他们.... =) 温暖的聚会!
不知道为什么是子芯拿相机... 0.0 然后那个瑞琪一直吃一直吃,所以手上拿叉...
牛郎织女 XD


Working Days

HELLO GUYS!!! I'm back i'm back!!!! YESH!! Back from my laziness busy stuff... I'm so busy since i start my work at Sunway Romp and after ending my work - I'm still busy!! Haha XD Many things to do, such as - IELTS stuff, Chinese New Year stuff and anything that needs me... YES! I'm important!!

Okay... Work at Sunway Romp from 20/1/2011 to 2/2/2011.... It was just the period before Chinese New Year... Asked for this job when i was shopping at Sunway Pyramid for Chinese New Year clothes.... Take down this job after i had asked some of others shops there.... They paid high salary compare to the others... =D

Work as a store girl for the whole period... My job - as a store girl - is to tidy up the store room if there's a mess *especially when new stock came!*, take clothes for the sales if they need... Seems like a relax job right? Yes, it is - when the shop has no customer.... But when the shop is full of customer - the situation will be like The Second World War.... Busy like HELL!!! Because this period, people start to buy new clothes for themselves... But it will be only seen on Saturday and Sunday, or sometimes even weekdays night - the time that we are going to close... People always come on that time, don't know why... 0.0 So sometimes we can't go back home early....

Working there was quite fun! Learn many things as well... *Sometimes i will be outside the store room, hanging clothes...* And of course, know many people.... Sometimes, their talks were funny! Store room is quite a dangerous place, you will sometimes accidentally knock yourself at the cupboard or anywhere else... And there is a place in the store room that we need to climb the stairs to go up and take the clothes... It's quite low up there so we need to scrawl when we are being up there.... So, for the first day working at there - as a store girl, sure you will get some hurt! Add on, the first day i work is kinda busy, so........ Well, just look at the pictures below and you will know then!

OKAY!! All this pictures were took on the second day of working... I don't think will have any differences if i took the pictures on the first day night!

Right leg get hurt more serious than my left leg.... =(
水 泡 on both of my knee because too much of crawling....

Well.... You can't imagine how shock i am and my parents, saw my leg like this, after the first day of work.... I still worry if i could wear short skirts or short pants for the coming Chinese New Year... Seriously - worry day and night! And of course, work become more harder when crawling here and there, climbing up and down... Staff that work in the store room said that, for the first time working in the store room, you sure will get hurt, because they do too! But luckily, my leg recover quite fast... So, it became like this.....
This is my leg before the first day of Chinese New Year... Fast action recover!
*Don't ask me why i didn't rotate the pictures. I already rotate and i don't know why it still looks like this... @.@*

水 泡 on my knee disappear! =D

Back home early at my last day for reunion dinner! That's good right?? I think you can't find a job that can let you work till the day before Chinese New Year and also go back home early so easily... Ehehehehe =) Nice one! But during this period, they will always put Chinese New Year songs... Supervisor said this will attract more customer... Everyday listen to the same song and every staff will feel annoying when the songs start to play... Even MALAY staff know how to sing too!!! @.@ OWH! I still met JeeYean and JieChao when working... They was very very SHOCK when they saw me working there.. HahahaXD

Then back to work again at 16/2/2011 to 18/2/2011... Hmmm... Just help them to clear stock because too many stock came when the period before Chinese New Year.... So now, they need to take out some 'useless' stock and return it.... But this time, new stock came also.... So, the store room is kinda messy.... At least, it's not that busy like what we have at the period before Chinese New Year.... And less people will come and buy new shirts again as Chinese New Year is soon over... So, beside tidying up the store room ,we still have time to chit-chat with each others.... =D

That's all for my really, ever FIRST working experience! And i'm now unemployed! But i don't think i will find a job for myself again... I need to enjoy my time before leaving to UK... *Although it's like - boring... XD*

P/S: Please clean up my Nuffnang by clicking it, okay?? Appreciate much!! =)