Saturday, November 28, 2009
For Now...
And, i am having "fun" with my laptop at home...
I'm not allowed to go out with my friends this month...
What the BULLSHIT is this??!!
I just went out with my friends once a month for the month October and November!!!
(I don't think that's too over, OK!!!)
Just thanks to your godfather!!!
Friday, November 27, 2009
The Mines AGAIN...
Accidentally meet my cousin there... Have lunch together... My mum treated them... The restaurant was freaky expensive... == A 5 people lunch cost RM63.50... What we ate was nothing special, just that normal... Something wrong maybe... Anyway... I'm not the one who paid, my mum do... Hehess
Then, went to have a walk there... Buy some clothes for the coming vacation... =) And have a slice of cake at Secret Recipe as the car wash to the car haven't finish... Having promotion there... You will get a cup of tea or coffee free if you order a slice of cake... (Time limited: 3-6pm) I had ordered a slice of fat-free chocolate cake... Yes!!! I'm dieting now... For the coming Sunday... But i know that it won't be successful... =P Anyway, what can i do now is DIETING!!! I can do it...=) I will try my best to do it...
I saw a nice jacket at Nike... Black with gold colour zip... Just try to imagine...=) Tried to buy it... But the price was... RM129 for one... I will ask my mum to pay it if i can do that... Hehe=D
Back home after car wash had finished... I feel frustrated for the freaky hot weather these days... SHIT!!!
Walking alone after went in to the hall as our taste was not the same... Meet Phui Ann and her friend there... I SMS her said that i will go to book fair before going out and she said that she will call me when she reach there... So that's why... Walk together with them... Yup!!! Not so lonely... =)
MY FM特工队was there... So, left Phui Ann and her friend, i went to play with my mum... You won't know how lucky i am if i didn't tell u right??? Hehehesss =D Hmmm... What i won from them?? I won two tickets for the autograph session of 神木与瞳and Evan Yo... And i also won two movie preview screening tickets(首映礼) for the movie "The Princess and The Frog"... Don't feel jealous... X) I'm just that lucky that day... Wakaka=D
Went back to find Phui Ann again and walk with them... Later that, my mum called me to have lunch... Sushi King AGAIN... I know that it's my brother's idea as he doesn't has other choices except these types of things... Haih... Anyway... Just eat as i can... =)
I wanna buy StarBucks after that... But, i just feel so so full... I ate sooo much... So, just forgot it...=) Back home!!! The hot day makes me fainted~~
P/S: Evan Yo and神木与瞳, wait for me!!! I will be there... Weeee=DDD

After finished watching that movie, i just think that... Maybe, we should try not to pollute the environment and start doing recycle from now on... Maybe, we should try to love our family, but not hate them, and cherish every moment with them... Maybe, we should do what we want now so that we won't felt regret when we are not able to do such things anymore... Maybe, we should love our partner too!!! =) Maybe and maybe... More and more...It's important for everyone of us including the one who are reading now RIGHT?? Yes!! You are the one!!! =DD
Anyway... I love "Adrian" in the movie... He looks kinda handsome right... Hehehesss... And the FAKE Obama - President Wilson... He is just that kind??? Yup, somehow for that... =) But i hope that the real one won't die like that... If that really do, i will be sad enough... Oh yea... And the two children... Cute enough that i like... I love all of them in the movie as well...

Adrian President Wilson... As honestly, he looks alike with the real one...
And a word from Adrian in that movie that i feel so nice.... "If humans stop fighting, at that time, they lost their humanity." It's kinda meaningful...=) Just have a share...
P/S: I hate the one who sat beside me... Her bracelet was so that noisy... And she blocked my sight!!! She walked in and out to the toilet when i was watching the movie...(Although just only for one time) Damn her!!!扫兴!!! Don't dare to do this if you sit beside me in the cinema hall... ><
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Electronic Piano~
Stay Tuned For Photos~ =)
(Kesiannya Tze Yang...)
Date my clarinetists to have lunch at Mutiara... But just only Wan Yi and Jee Yean came... They put my aeroplane??? I don't know... Don't ask me about them... After having lunch, we walked in to the primary school near my school... Mei Ling's mum saw us and honk us... I get shocked for that...
Time passes by and i went back home after practice of course...
For the next day... Went to band practice because of those new members... It's a responsibility for a section leader... Get exhausted because of them... =.= But luckily later of that, we can play some easy music with them... I just enjoy the time during we were playing the music... =)
17/11/09 - Tuesday
Went out to Mid Valley with Jeff as he had promised me weeks ago and i asked to... Haha=) The first time i didn't late for date with friends as the time that we meet for this time was decided by me... I decided to meet at 11.30am but not 11am... I really can't reach there at 11am as i will wake up late every time... =P
But, he was late... Anyway, by the time, i went to Signature The Gardens to do something that ordered by my mum... Then, i went to Guardian to buy something for myself... After that, went back to the place that we gonna meet - McDonald's in front of the cinema... Finally, he arrived...
Planned to watch 2012 at first... We both think that's nice and its opinions from our friends... But, when we went to buy the ticket for the movie, there were no more place except the two rows in front of the screen... Damn to the cinema!! That day wasn't holiday!! Fine... We gave up for 2012 and watched "The Time Traveler's Wife"... That's Mei Ling's movie... Weee=)
Went for a walk first as the movie haven't start... We went to find some handphones as his handphone had spoilt... He planned to buy a new one... After that, we went to have lunch... I'm kinda full so i didn't ate much... Not dieting...X)
Went back to GSC to have our movie... =) Not bad... Kinda nice movie... It's quite touching at the end of the movie... Jeff nearly cried... And i feel that the movies that i watched these days were kinda belong to touching style... You will nearly cried out when you watched... Anyway, it's nice... =)

Thanks Jeff's accompaniment and Sorry to make you feel bored if i do... =)
Last Day of School~~ =D
Last day of school - Monday... No class of course... Just went to school for the report card and band practice... Pity me... Everyone of my friends went out to have fun but me... Anything... Four period time in class... Done nothing except taking photos with friends... Oh yea... Nearly forgot about the presentation... It's nice!! Kinda like it... Thanks to the one who made it... =)
Before school ends, we have something like a cake cutting ceremony... Oh dear, cake from Secret Recipe... I love that most!!! Weee =D So, have a slice of cake before i meet band members...
Have my lunch after the cake with the Form 2 and Form 3 band members at canteen... Looks so old among them... After my lunch, went into band room to have a rest... Then have a nap...
Later that, went to fall in in the hall... But 阿水asked us not to fall in first but finished the food that prepared there first... WakakaXD So, no doubt... We went to eat again except me... I just drank a cup of Ribena... =P (And I'm dieting now!!!)
Went to fall in again in seriously... Then we started practice... A day gone without any surprised... Back home at about 3.30 pm... My mum came and fetched me as i asked to... This is because the Rapid KL bus changed their routine... Damn!!! And i still don't how to take the bus now... What to do??!!
Oh yea... Nearly forgot about something that need to tell... My result for my honeymoon Form 4 year: 79.5XX =D I had forgot the last two numbers and I'm lazy to check it again in my report card... ><
P/S 1: Tze Yang had changed his blog... Just have a visit...=)
P/S 2: Stay tuned for photos taken~~ =D
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The End~
Life after exam was just that boring till I'm going to feel crazy... But thanks for those movies... It's kinda nice... Somehow i had missed some times with my class... That's why i hate having holidays during class... It's just... I tried to have some happy hour with my classmates but i can't... How sad it was...
Anyway... It's quite happy to be with some of them... Having fun times with Jia Xin, Tze Yang, Man Ling and Swee Meng while cutting those paper... I had addicted on it as honestly... And having movies... Thanks teacher for CSI: Miami and another movie that i had forgotten the name of it... Thanks Coon for G.I.Joe... It's nice...=) Thanks for poker card but not poker face or poker king... =P Thanks for Tug Of War... It's super exciting... And my class had been K.O by 4A Ren in 5 seconds...== Thanks for Speed Stacks... It's very very nice and I enjoyed it much...=D Thanks for everything that brings happy and fun to me...=]
Last day of school tomorrow... I'm going to take my report card... Actually, i had knew my result... Not bad although i didn't have the marks that same with the first semester... But i think that's enough for me as i didn't really tried my best in the second semester exams compare to the first semester... =X (Details will be post after i have had my report card... Stay tuned!!!)
Anyway... Some of us will meet next year in the same class... So... just meet next year... WakakaXD
Tagged (2)~
A. 被点到名字的要在自己的博客里写下自己的答案,然后去掉一个你最不喜欢的问题再加上一个你的问题,仍然组成20个问题, 传给其他8个人,列出其他8个需要回答问题的人的名字,还要到这8个人的部落格裡留言通知对方——你被点名了, 被点名者不得拒绝回答问题,完成游戏的人将会永远得到大家的祝福。
B. 这8个人要在自己的部落格裡註明是从哪裡接到的,并且再传给其他8个人,让游戏继续下去,不得回传。被点到名字的人将会得到大家的祝福,并且所有美好的愿望都会在不久的将来实现。
12.接下来最想去旅行的国家或城市? 为什么?*台湾。。没为什么,就是想。。美国也可以。。因为想去找Obama
13. 你为什么要回答这些问题?*因为我实在太闷了
14. 你觉得点你名的这个人是什麼样的个性?*有时会想太多。。很会关心别人
16.最近一次掉眼泪是?*忘记了 ><
- Xiao Mike
- Wan Yi
- Yi Chan
- Tze Yang
- Yi Xiang
- Mei Ling
- Kher Yin
- Pan Loong
2.我的生日 : 6月10 日
3.誰傳給你的 :佩恩
4.說出五個好朋友 : 我不止有五个哦。。
5.生日想要得到什麼禮物 :什么都可以,只要我喜欢就好
6.近期開心的是 : 很多下
7.近期壓力大的是 : 学会
8.未來想做什麼啊 : 没有想到酱长远~
9.有沒有喜歡的人 : 没有
10.同學會要回去找老師嗎 : 废话!当然要啦
11.跟誰出去最幸福 : 朋友, 另一半
12.如果你的兩個好友吵架了 : 安慰他们咯。。
13.跟情人出去最想去哪 : 海边。。
14.聖誕節要做啥 : 出街,倒数,唱圣诞歌
15.最想跟誰過聖誕節 :朋友,另一半
16.有沒有起床气 : 有!!最好不要来烦我,不然就会死得很惨。。XD
17.有幾個兄弟姐妹 : 一个弟弟
18.最喜歡的一只歌(女生的) : 很多
19.最喜歡的一只歌(男生的) : 很多
20.喜歡什麼顏色: 黑色呱。。因为穿了看起来比较瘦。。呵呵=)
21.上廁所會不會先沖水 : 不会。。上了才冲。。
22.愛不愛我 : 爱。。
23.喜歡男生還是女生 : 你觉得呢??男生啦
24.最想大聲說什麼 : 我要变美,变瘦!!
25.半夜敢不敢自己上廁所 : 厕所就在我睡的旁边不远。。你说敢不敢??
26.上廁所會不會脫褲褲 : 不脱怎样上??
27.誰很欠打 : 谁都有可能
28.現在很迷什麼 : Obama
29.睡相很差 :差到爆!!
30.現在的時間 : 4.02pm
31.是否痛恨傳給你此卷的人 : 不会
32.體重多少: 秘密!!跟你讲的话,你不如杀死我算了。。
33.今天天氣 : 晴
34.你懷孕了嗎 : 没有男朋友,哪来的怀孕??
35.你若中樂透最想做什么 : 做我想做的
36.大學生一定要玩的活動 : Clubbing~
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - --
1.Yoong Wei
2.Tze Yang
3.Yi Chan
4.Wan Yi
5.Yi Huan
7.Pan Loong
8.Yi Xiang
9.Mei Ling
10.Kher Yin
01-【4號認識6號嗎】: 不认识
03-【 8號的興趣是】: 出街呱。。
05-【7號姓氏】: 林
09-【6號喜歡的顏色是】: 不知
10-【3號和10號是朋友嗎】: 不是
13-【你怎麼認識10號的】: 去年同班,现在是好朋友
16-【你喜歡和2號聊天嗎】: 喜欢啊。。
17-【你喜歡和3號在一起嗎】: 喜欢~
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - --
1.是誰傳給你這份問卷的 : 佩恩
2.你們認識多久呢 : 一年,因为是今年认识的
3.你覺得他(她)對你來說很重要嗎 : 几重要下的。。哈哈
4.你與他(她)的關係是 : 朋友
5.請問他(她)的興趣是 : 唱歌
6.你覺得他(她)的個性如何 : 好人
7.他(她)在你心目中是幾分 : 及格咯
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - --
*睡覺前第一件事 : 刷牙
*起床后第一件事 :看时间
*你的偶像是 : 最近走实力派路线。。Obama是其中一个=)
*你喜歡的季節 : 秋天
*你打工過嗎 : 没有,但很想
*你想去的國家 : 那里都想
*你討厭什麼樣的個性 : 看不爽就讨厌咯
*你常哭嗎 : 还好
*你常笑嗎 : 是!而且会笑到很像傻婆
*去玩時喜歡一個人去嗎 : 几喜欢下的
*是假日時你都睡到幾點 : 12点多咯
*今天的天氣是(晴 雨 陰): 晴
*朋友和情人你會選擇 : 两者
*機會和命運你會選擇 : 机会
*你很自戀嗎 :是的!!要爱自己,要对自己要有信心=D
*這問卷多不多 : 多到。。
*要怎樣才能讓自己過的好一点 : 好好享受吧。。
*喜欢吃什么 : 很多。。因为我喜欢吃
*喜歡吃冰嗎 : ok 咯
*現在幸福嗎 : 幸福
*最在乎哪幾個朋友 : 全部
*房間裡最重要的東西是什麼 :都很重要喔
*最常夢到什麼 : 很多。。通常都很不可思议
*男人精神出軌要不要原諒他 : 不要
*你认为人生的意义是什么 : 开心,快乐,幸福,美满
*你知道吗?(看你们怎么回答!): 你都没有跟我讲,我怎样知道
*什么时候最讨厌我 : 哭的时候
*向往出世抑或入世,向往道家抑或儒家? : 这个问题。。问松盛吧
*你喜欢吃什么蛋糕? : 巧克力。。谢绝芝士!!
*喜欢沙丁鱼吗^^? : 喜欢
*IQ/EQ哪一个比较高? : IQ
*電腦还是手機重要? : 两者
*比较喜欢睡觉还是玩? : 两者
*Friendster 还是 Facebook ? : 两个都有。。不过Facebook比较好
*现在最希望什么?: 什么都好
*累了吗? : 不会
*If you just leave 1 minute..what you'll do?? : 都还没到2012。。
Saturday, November 14, 2009
After buying her bag, we went to MCKY as I'm finding a Mickey Mouse key chain for my phone... I planned to buy there but it was so so expensive... A key chain there cost RM49.90... Oh My God!!! How expensive is that... So, i didn't buy at last...
Then, she want to find a job for herself for the coming holiday... So, we just walked around Pavilion and find some shop that needs part-timer... I want to find a job for myself too... But i don't have the time to do that... Holidays are just full of practice... Gosh!!!
Four years in secondary... Some other people had have so much job experience but i neither have it... Just think how sad it is... =( Anything... I just hope that i can have a job for myself as soon as possible...
Friday, November 13, 2009
We went to British Council first as that day was the Parent's Day... My dad and mum attended that... My teacher said that i have good behaviour in class and i paid attention for every lesson...=) She still said that i'm so active in giving opinion during class... Wakaka... Felt happy when i heard this...
Went back home after this as it's still early... Have a nap in the living room while the TV is on... When i woke up, it's about 6 o'clock and we need to get out to go to Tenji... How fast time pass... So, please use your time wisely...
Reach Tenji... It was fully booked that day... Luckily i had made a phone reservation the day before that... There were so many people and the place as bigger than Jogoya... WooHoo~~ Feeling so exciting... =D As i had wanted to come to this place for a long time...
I saw my relatives there... They were having their meal there too... Oh My Gosh!! There were having many things to eat... It's more than Jogoya... Love it!!! I drank white wine there although they don't serve that stuff for guest under 18... It's just so that nice... You know... I love to drink wine... =D
Keep taking those food and eat... Woah!!! That's so nice!!! What a long time i didn't have buffet... XD At last, i went to take Haagen Dazs Ice-Cream... I just love Haagen Dazs Ice-Cream much!!! But it's having long queue... So i went to take again later... It was still having long long queue... At last, it just left about 10 minutes and i just have it and finished it... NICE!!!
Before going back home,we had have a walk at Solaris Mont Kiara... Nice place it is... And the point is - It has two-storey Haagen Dazs Ice-Cream shop!!! Gosh!!! If you are free, fetch me there and date me there... I will treat you Haagen Dazs Ice-Cream...=> Back home will a big stomach i have...
What a nice day... Tenji~~ Hope to have it again although my dad said that it was the FIRST and the LAST for us...=)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Graduation Ceremony~
We were having performance on that day... But SITTING on the chair was more than having performance... We had practiced five to six songs for this function... And at last, we just play four basic songs... It's just BASIC songs... You will know what songs should be as basic songs... =)
After the performance, some of us went to Mutiara to have our lunch... Having jokes and chit-chat... It's nice being with them... After that, June, Huan and me went to Times Square to have the movie - Poker King... By the time, Wan Yi was with us too as she was going to the same destination to meet her classmates... Just GO!!!
But, Times Square was having long queue for the cinemas... So, at last, we changed our destination to Pavilion... Walked from Times Square to Pavilion... How long journey is it and how hot day is it...
Finally, reach Pavilion... Rush to the cinema... Luckily, not very long queue there... So we bought our ticket and went in to the hall... As we bought the ticket in the last minutes and they were no seats left, we need to sit at the first row... You know, how torturing was that... It's just kinda... Weird maybe... And... It's quite funny and nice movie... Not bad...^^
I just thought it as my home... Take off my shoes and put my leg on the seat next to me... The first row were belong to us... =) But... GOD blessed me that the people who sat at the last row didn't saw it... Thanks God!!!
Finished the movie and went back home... But it was having heavy rain outside... No doubt... We still need to back home... So we just ran from Pavilion to Lot 10... =D Back home by using LRT... It's just full of Malays as that day were having football competition at Bukit Jalil... They were all in red colour shirt because they were the supporters for Kelantan... When they reached Bukit Jalil, they shouted as loud as they can... Look down from the LRT, you just can see RED SEA... Everyone were in red colour shirt...
And finally, reached home... Feel kinda hungry as my dad was coming back late from the LCCT... At last, i have my dinner... And day end!!
P/S: Guys, Christmas is coming!!! I love it so so much!!!=)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
School Reopens
But today... When i started the first period of class, i just feel that it's nothing difference between those holidays and school reopens... It was just wasting my time... 10 period for today... I have two period time of class and four period time of band practice... Oh My God!!! I just tried to have one more period time of class but i can't...
I had planned to write letter to someone, but at last, i didn't do it!!! Having chit chat with my friends for times... Have a slept for a period of time... Gosh!!! The same word that i can say - TORTURING ME!!! =(
I just hope to have something meaningful and useful to do in class... Not chit-chatting... Not band practice too!!! Just others that are meaningful... T.T How sad to be...
Monday, November 2, 2009
What's The Matter??
This Is It!!!
I went to have this movie last Saturday at Pavilion... Nearly late for the movie as everywhere was having traffic jam... As honestly, i'm not a big fans of him, but i'm looking forward to watch this movie since it release...
The movie was nice... I love it so so much!!! And i feel so touched!!! If the VCD release, i will sure buy it and watch it again and again... It worth!!! Somehow you will feel boring for some part as it can be counted as a documentary but not a movie... But when you feel boring, you will shocked at his dancing.... You will think that: How could he be so talented in dancing?
In the movie, he shows his dancing well... I just shocked for that... And i really love the song "I'll Be There". This song was sung by the Jackson's 5... And now, he use his voice to sing this song again... You will never heard that before... And you can't hear that again... How sad!!!=( And they had made a new MV for the song "Thriller"... It's in the 3D form!!! We can't even see it!!! We just can see it in the movie... T.T
Sitting in the hall, watching the movie, you will feel like watching a concert... A concert that he will never do it again... A concert that are so nice, so attractive... You will love it much!!! When the movie finished, some of the audience in my hall clapped their hands... Yea... The movie worth it!!! After watching the movie, i just want to watch his concert LIVE... You know... LIVE at the stadium... But it's impossible... T.T
Imagine... How could it be if nothing happened on him?? How could it be if he haven't die?? How could it be if he is now still having rehearsal for his concert?? THIS IS IT!!! The world best concert...
I WILL and I SWEAR to buy the VCD of the movie... And... If you haven't watch this movie, go and have it!!! It's just on the cinema for two weeks!!! You will never feel regret!!! It wasn't a movie nor a documentary... It's a CONCERT!!! A concert that is live in the cinema!!!