Saturday, January 15, 2011


OK!!!這幾天很悶一下,沒有什麼東西做,除了British Council的功課.... 剛才upload了相機的photo去電腦裡面,現在我打算看圖說故事....如果你也很無聊,請往下看!
她說她綁頭髮很美wor.......... =.=
這個照片的故事很好笑的....我們一開始要拍的時候,那個溫桂子小姐應該是沒有拍過這樣的照片還是怎樣,就看著我的相機....我就問她 - 你做什麼?她就講咯 - 拍照啦....結果我就跟跟她講 - 是看鏡子不是看相機...她就講 - 哦,是啊....然後我和林佩恩小姐就一直在那邊笑她......
*攝于Taylors Lakeside Campus的Administration Office的廁所*
看到那些帶紅帽子的警察?就一堆紅紅那邊...Well,那時我要去補習前去家附近吃飯,然後,我媽媽看到就很緊張以為發生什麼命案or之類的....嚇倒他...也嚇倒我...忘記自己是被他嚇倒還是被那些警察嚇倒...結果,其實是...................... *下張圖*
就是剛好有馬來人在那邊示威遊行....所以就有一堆警察......因為第一次看到這種東西,很興奮,所以我就一直跑去"刺探軍情"...吃到一半就跑去門口那邊看一下醬...結果我媽媽就講我適合當記者.... =.=

P/S:I don't think Terri remember me!! I saw her that day, and she shows no reaction to me.... ='(

Thursday, January 13, 2011










很有意思對不對?其實是從一張紙抄來的.....這張紙不知道為什麼放在我電腦旁邊有幾天了,可是就是今天很突然地想要把它寫在這裡....這張紙其實是從一間老人院那邊拿來的.....就不知道幾時了,買點年貨送去老人院,然後爸爸還是媽媽看到很有意思,就叫那個負責人幫我們複印了,帶回家黏在牆壁那邊,讓我們每天看到都會記得這樣.....現在又不知道為什麼沒有黏了..... =.= But我沒有要黏回去的意思,OK....

P/S:如果你要的話,我可以複印給你.....然後你可以像我這樣黏在牆壁那邊..... XD

Saturday, January 8, 2011

British Council ♥♥

加油!!!是時候收拾心情好好讀書!!! =)

Hello GUYS!!! Back here again.... I was kinda busy these few days due to my grandmother's thingy... She has been sent to the hospital for some heart treatment, so i need to go to the hospital to visit her... But everything was fine now - No worries! =D

I have attended 4 lessons of IELTS course at British Council... Still loves much ♥♥ And of course enjoy the class too!!! Everything was like what i had before with SPM class.... =D And i met two of my SPM class teacher who had taught me previously.... One was Terri, the one who SPM class miss the most! And another one was Amme! I think she nearly forgot me, but at last she still remember who am i... =) I think i gonna find a suitable time to say HI with Terri....

Although class are fun enough and i enjoy it, but i dislike the Irans in my class..... A class of 20, just only 7 or 8 are Malaysians and others are all Irans... OK!!! Firstly saying that - I'm not racist!! I'm really not.... What problem between the Irans and I is - communication problem... Two Irans sit beside me... Everytime when the teacher needs us to talk to our partner, i was like "SHIT!!!"

It was - She doesn't know what i'm talking about and i don't know what she is talking about..... I was lazy to ask her after the first few tries that are not working at all... For once, the teacher asked us to use a word to make a sentence and talk to the partner.. My partner was a Iran... She said - I love drawing, but i never draw.. The first reaction of mine is "What?" Then i told her - Hmm... Your sentence is not correct.. Then she said the same sentence to me AGAIN!!! She still explain to me and ask me did i get her point... I couldn't stand her anymore so i just "Yes yes yes" Help me PLEASEEEE!! I can't stand them as i don't have much patient!!! I always feel like killing them once i talk to them!!

Overall point is I STILL ENJOY THE CLASS MUCH!!!!!! Loves ♥♥♥♥ And i miss SPM class............... ='(

P/S: 4th of April is the date i start my class at Manchester.... =D

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year, New Life =D

Call me BUSY LING.... =D

Well... It's 2011 now.... *Remember to change your date to 2011 but not still 2010...* Time to start my new life.... For the picture above, obviously seen that my new life will be a kinda busy life. Not that busy, but kinda busy; not that free, but kinda free.... Haha! Just ignore the nonsense as well... XD

First brand new schedule:
*2011 January 4 - Back to British Council for IELTS course... ♥♥♥ I seriously love British Council much... For no reason!!! =)

Second brand new schedule:
*Within this week - Apply for Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) for Business with Language course... =)

Many more schedule to go... But still haven't confirm yet as well..... Of course still a busy life.... =) But kinda regret to put my University life as April intake.... Seems like after finishing those jobs, i have nothing to do... Just wait for the time to intake is kinda long and boring, right? But January intake is too fast, indeed! =.= Anyway, April intake is sure for me, already! Waiting for confirmation letter after apply... I'm looking forward to my Uni life! =)

I love the way i dressed for Mei Ling's brother wedding dinner! ♥♥ Looks gentle. Ha!