Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Titanic Fever and The Phantom of The Opera Cold

Cinemas worldwide is now showing Titanic 3D. For me, it is a must-watch movie because i tried to watch it during my school time after i had played the music score in my band. But when i asked my mum for the DVD, she asked me to find out by myself and i nearly rebuilt my house. Ended up nothing so i need to watch it in the cinema. Once the trailer was out, it said that you need to be holding hands with your loves one to watch this movie due to the love story of Jack and Rose, but i just watched ALONE. YES! It's sound so sad because i don't have either a boyfriend or a friend to accompany me.

Well, but i still enjoy the whole three hours movie time! And i cried at the ending part. I think the whole cinema was either pairs or groups and just only me was alone. -.- Anyway, Jack Dawson is just freaking handsome in the movie. And the 3D effect when the incident happen was amazing too! I think it is worth to watch! :) And because it is my memory with my band, when you really know how to sing all the music while the movie was playing is awesome! And i think i am the only one in the cinema who can do this! xD

The day after i had watched Titanic 3D, i went to watch The Phantom of the Opera. It's a theater show. And i really want to watch a theater show in Manchester. The first time that really make me want to watch a theater show is because they were showing The Sound of Music, which i had played the music score before, and again in my band. But at that time, i felt that the price was really damn expensive which if i told my mum, and i think she will refused.

Then, i found out that Palace Theater in Manchester is going to show The Phantom of The Opera, due to the 25th anniversary of this show, which again make me really want to watch it. And also, Phantom is a really famous one, among students in Malaysia. In addition, i played the music score in my band, AGAIN. LOL So, i told my mum and unexpectedly, she agreed and she said that, if i watch a theater show in Malaysia, it might be the same value or even more expensive. So the next day after i told her, i just went to buy the tickets because the ticket was selling fast. Everything of this was happened in November 2011. xP

And after months of waiting, finally, the day had came! My mum even remind me sometimes when we Skype just to prevent if i forgot this show. So when April starts, i just keep countdown for the day! I really can't wait to watch this show and this is my first time watching theater show which you rarely can find in Malaysia. This day is important, for me, and i even wore heels, although sometimes i wore to school. -.-

More than what i expected, the show was fabulous. Just only thing that they really need to improved is - they need to let the chandelier dropped, but i think is not really possible because of the cost. But at that part, the ceiling that they made did dropped and some sound effect of the chandelier. I was very satisfied - the vocal, the show, the music and even the orchestra! But one thing, which i more prefer is - they should place the orchestra above the stage but not below stage, which just make me can only see the conductor but not the whole orchestra. *Yes, i know i am demanding much although it already can be counted as prefect!* And i just hope that i can watch this show second time! :(

Exams is coming in one week time. I have started to study but not really in the mood because i keep thinking that - after the exams, i can get back to Malaysia, which makes me so excited and happy! I will be back in June, to celebrate my birthday because i had missed my 18th birthday with my family. And for me, birthday is a very important date to be with family, although i was not with my family when my father's, mother's and brother's birthday. :(

People asked me to stay longer in Manchester as i can do some trips, but i think i still have three years studies in Manchester, which is a long time to go and i think i need to spend more time with my family. I just counted - if every summer break, i get back to Malaysia at June and then get back to Manchester at the mid of September, i just have three months and one week more to be in Malaysia, which i think is not very enough. Yes. I am a mummy girl, and i cried whenever i thought of my family.

Secretly telling you a story, i send my dad an email days before about my accommodation thingy in Manchester for next year. I have less topic to talk with my dad compare to my mum. But, i don't really want to be so serious, so at the end of the mail, i just wrote a P/S saying that one and a half month to go to see me. After typing this sentence, i just burst into crying. I have no idea, perhaps just missing my family too much. And although i am more closer with my mum, but i still love my dad.

OK! Just till here for this post. Daddy's birthday coming on this Sunday and exams is coming in one week time. I just need to be in the study mood! Loves. :)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Scotland Trip Day 3

Day 3: Edinburgh - York

这一天,我们就从Hamilton出发到Edinburgh...因为昨天到达的时间,旅游景点都已经关门了...所以今天就有机会走一走...而且因为昨天没有去到Loch Ness,所以有更多时间在Edinburgh.... Edinburgh出名的是城堡....而它本身的名字也是一座城堡来的...城堡里面应该有蛮多东西可以看的,关于苏格兰或者英格兰的...但是我没有进去,因为觉得时间有一点不够之外,票价也有一点贵...那天我们去的票价是16镑....而且导游说,票价会每一个固定时间起一点点这样.... 0.0 要去的就要注意啦 - 它是九点半才开门的喔!
 Edinburgh Castle


在城堡那边拍完照之后,因为香港母女是基督教的,加上那天是星期日,教堂有Sunday Service....所以我就跟他们一起进去见识一下... :)基本上个人觉得还不错!教堂里面的Pipe organ真的听得我很感动,很想流泪...真的!我当下听到那个音乐真的很想哭,就不知道为什么!而且也觉得很壮观的说!这种事情有时候要亲身经历过,不然你不会知道我当下为什么会想要流眼泪 LOL 而且,在教堂里面,整个人都会很平静! 说一说,我们去的教堂是昨天有po到照片的St.James Cathedral. :)


 从教堂出来看到这个就一定要照相的啦!要给钱,但是你要给多少就多少,没有强迫性的 :)

 这个很特别的建筑物是Scottish Parliament来的..虽然在同一个国家,但是苏格兰和英格兰有不一样的政府.
 The Queen's Gallery 之人很小,风很大,头发很乱!

远处的Edinburgh Castle...它是建在死火山上的....

之后我们就离开Edinburgh,往我们的下一站出发去 - York!这个地方我上次有来过,但是这次回来就当作再一次回味这美丽的城市吧! :) 
 这边就是Scotland和England的交界线啦!应该是要做车才会经过吧.... 所以Scotland这个牌以后的地区就是属于Scotland的

 而且还有风景可以看! :) 一群羊儿在后



 这里的建筑物特别的地方就是有别于一半的建筑物 - 他们上一层比下一层的面积大..所以如果再往上建的话,最后就会撞在一起....

说了那么久我一直跟着那对香港母女...最后在离开前当然要拍张照片留念啦! :)

这就是我的Easter Holiday的其中一part啦! 个人觉得还不错...毕竟到处走走看看也是很好的选择...有机会当然还想回来这些美丽的城市继续探索它们的神秘.... :) 请各位耐心地期待我的下一篇吧! 谢谢阅读......

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Scotland Trip Day 2

Day 2: Glasgow - Loch Lomond at Highlands - Edinburgh

在Glasgow过了一夜之后,第二天早上,我们就从Glasgow出发去到我们的第一站 - Loch Lomond. 本人很期待来到这个地方,因为之前在中学管乐团的时候,有吹过一首歌,名字也叫Loch Lomond. 而且当时教练也有跟我们说这首歌的一点点故事,但是没想到,今时今日我也有机会来到这个地方... :)

Loch Lomond算是在山上的,所以去的路途中就要经过一点山路,而且算是有一点远....*所以你可以看到我上面有写Loch Lomond是在Highlands* 但是当你到那个地方,看到那个景色,你就会发觉一切都是值得的!加上我自己又那么期待,真的没有感到有一丝丝的失望!
 到了! :D




之后,我们又去另外一个地方,从另外一个角度看看这美丽的世界 :D
 还是一样的Loch Lomond, 还是一样的美丽


我真的不想离开这个地方,因为真的太美丽了! 但是没有办法,还是要离开,往下一站出发!原本第二天的时候,还有一站是要去Loch Ness看大水怪....Loch Ness也是在山上的,所以也是要经过满多的山路,但是因为巴士出了问题,上不到山,所以最后就取消了这项行程!虽然个人是觉得有点可惜,但是我觉得还有机会的,毕竟我在这边还有两三年的说....所以,就下次吧!那因为巴士的问题,我们就在Scotland的一个小镇叫Callendar待了一下,但是也蛮浪费时间的,因为没有事情做,要等好的巴士来接我们....之后好的巴士来了,我们就前往Edinburgh去!

费尽千辛万苦,我们终于到达了Edinburgh! :) 这边有蛮多城堡的....因为到的时候已经是大约六点多,加上又是星期六,所以一些旅游景点都关门了...只能等明天一早再来....但是还是有机会可以下车走一走啦.....


 St.James Cathedral 

 Royal Bank Of Scotland的总部

之后我们就去酒店check-in了....这天晚上就在离Edinburgh大约半小时的小镇名Hamilton过夜...晚餐也是一样跟那对香港母女一起...晚餐后,我们就去附近的Asda买水,但是它竟然几乎整间超市的东西都是一镑!对,一镑而已!所以买水买到最后也买了蛮多东西的!而且逛超市也可以逛到那么开心加疯狂真的是第一次! 哈哈哈!以后如果来到这个小镇的话,请到这里的Asda走走...你应该也会和我一样蛮有收获的吧! xD

个人还蛮喜欢Edinburgh这个城市,因为真的很漂亮...不会太现代,但也不会太复古.....有机会的话,我想要来Edinburgh这个地方可能住个几天,然后随便走走,探索这个城市的美丽与神秘! 还有,给下次要去Loch Lomond和Loch Ness的人一些小小的建议...因为刚刚说了,这两个地方都在山上,然后要经过蛮多山路,所以如果你要去的话,个人建议跟团去会比较好...毕竟他们会比较熟悉山路的情况之类的东西,也会比较安全! :)

Stay tuned for next post - Day 3 in Edinburgh and York! :) 最后附上Loch Lomond这首我曾经演奏过的歌! :D