或许 我应该被火烧一烧 才懂得学会勇敢和把事情看开.....
原本今天应该很开心的..但是经过一些事情真的开心不起来...其实是很小的事情来的,我不知道我自己为什么我要那么看不开.... 我有时候真的很庆幸我跟中学朋友还可以那么好,或许他们真的包容了我很多的不好,而我自己不知道.... 我一直觉得我自己很不会交际...我在这里没有那种很好的朋友,但是却有很多hi bye friend..... 我不知道为什么我跟他们做不到好朋友,可能因为文化关系还是怎样...还是其实是我自己的问题....因为我不够social所以就只能这样..... 我曾经想过以后我毕业会不会不会有朋友来跟我拍照,然后跟家人拍完照之后就可以拍拍屁股走人...完全没有人知道我是谁这样...也想过以后我结婚请人来喝喜酒却找不到人可以请,然后全部都是中学同学,别人就会觉得为什么我没有大学朋友这样... wtf 我承认我有时候真的想很多...我甚至会觉得为什么别人的生活那么多姿多彩可是我的却那么闷.... 然后我就会想,如果当初我没有说要来这边读书 会不会现在事情变得不一样..会不会我可能就会多几个大学朋友....
我真的不知道是我的问题还是怎样..... 别人觉得我很会交际..我一直以来也这样觉得..直到来到这边 然后对着一堆人出了自我介绍之外却不知道要说什么之外,我就知道原来不是这样的..... 我真的可以对着一个人却不知道要说什么... 读foundation的时候,那些朋友过得生活真的我不喜欢,所以之后也就不了了之...算了.上大学第一年的时候,认识了住在一起的人...但是之后那些我简称他们为非常bitchy的bitch flatmates竟然为了一些很不值得的电费最后搞到反目成仇 我真的不知道为什么...我没有跟人说,上一次我要上飞机的那天早上,我哭到很厉害,就是因为那些很bitchy的bitch flatmates..
到现在,班上的都是hi bye friend..Language整班只有我一个亚洲人, Business其实也是...有时候会很开心,很光荣,但有时候真的不是.......我都是自己一个人,而且我也习惯了自己一个人..可能我真的很不social...所以现在才会这样...我甚至应该想到下一年我要自己一个人住..至少 我不会有现在那么多的事情...而且我真的宁愿替自己所做的事情 所造的垃圾善后 我也不要帮这没有责任感 不懂得善后的人善后 甚至我觉得迟早会把我当清洁工的人整理他们所制造的垃圾....
现在住的地方其实很好...真的...但是从我知道又一个男生跟我一起住,我就知道以后会很烦..... wtf 有时候真的第六感都没有现在那么准.....妈妈一直叫我看开一点 但是我不知道为什么自己有时候真的做不到.... 爸爸叫我不要哭 因为不值得,我跟他讲我没有哭 但是其实我在哭 我不想让他担心 觉得他的女儿再这里过得不好... 但是我在想 为什么我每次都遇到这样的问题 为什么每次都是我 我真的有时候会觉得很累 为什么别人没有这样的问题但是我却每次都遇到..我觉得很委屈... 我甚至想回Malaysia读 至少我可以不用再面对这些问题...但是确实这些问题让我看到世界上有很多不同的人...你真的要看开一点...我真的在学......我要怎样才能摆脱这些所谓别人没有但我有的问题.... 我在学不计较 但是很难...或许人生的课题就是很难及格..或许就是要跌倒很多次,站起来很多次你才会知道怎么拿高分...我会继续学,我知道很难...
至少我很珍惜我现在的朋友...虽然我们很久见一次面,但是至少我很开心...而且我也很庆幸因为再旅行认识的那个香港朋友我们到现在都很好....我知道我一直都想很多,我很不想这样,但是我不知道能怎样....我甚至想到我以后结不了婚 wtf 我真的不知道为什么我会有这种想法....
Facebook的一句话说得对,朋友有时候还是中学的好.....谢谢我的朋友包容了我很多.....我会检讨....我会变更好.... 今天真的很糟糕 我真的希望我可以平平安安住完这一年,我不希望再有让我烦心的事情发生.....我已经没有心力去面对了.我累了...我想离开这个城市..........
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Camp in Quinta Hall, North Wales
FINALLY!!!!!! :) Update my blog with this post, which happened around October i think... YES! It was in October during Red Week.
Joined quite much activities that held by church lately, but still not a Christian yet. It's a nice experience for me. I always hope to stay in a countryside for around one week, without any stress and perhaps, throw away my phone too! :) And this time, I really did! It's a small town in North Wales, and not to deny, a countryside which do not have much shops and transportation...
We stayed there for three days two nights, and meals were all provided by the students that joined the church. A big thank you to them because they really made many good foods for us. We have 5 meals a day - breakfast, lunch, hi-tea, dinner and supper! Everything was too nice! :D
During the period, we had games, hiking, workshop and some singspiration that always be done by Christian. It's a nice time with them, which makes me thought of the time when i always stayed overnight at Chong Hwa Hostel with my band members for camp! :)
Pictures below will bring you to see the beauty of the nature, somehow forgot by the city people. :) And, it is randomly arranged...
Joined quite much activities that held by church lately, but still not a Christian yet. It's a nice experience for me. I always hope to stay in a countryside for around one week, without any stress and perhaps, throw away my phone too! :) And this time, I really did! It's a small town in North Wales, and not to deny, a countryside which do not have much shops and transportation...
We stayed there for three days two nights, and meals were all provided by the students that joined the church. A big thank you to them because they really made many good foods for us. We have 5 meals a day - breakfast, lunch, hi-tea, dinner and supper! Everything was too nice! :D
During the period, we had games, hiking, workshop and some singspiration that always be done by Christian. It's a nice time with them, which makes me thought of the time when i always stayed overnight at Chong Hwa Hostel with my band members for camp! :)
Pictures below will bring you to see the beauty of the nature, somehow forgot by the city people. :) And, it is randomly arranged...
Some random boat that owned by families will pass by this canal, but i don't really like some of them which really polluted the air.
View on the way of hiking.
The last day morning, when we were ready to get back.
If you can see the railway in the picture with some tombs, it somehow looks like the railway that appear in the movie Harry Potter..
Tree of Autumn.
That's all for this post. Mostly pictures, but i took quite a long time to upload it because the apps in my Iphone always showed me the word RETRY UPLOAD which makes me freaking fed up with it. Next post might be - Manchester United match or Trip to Bath!!! :)
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