Saturday, February 6, 2010

I Don't Know...

OK!!! I try to update my blog with something special, but i don't know how to... Just feel that my blog is kinda boring sometimes...

Well... This week was full of exams... Besides the word - B.U.S.Y, i can't use other words to describe my life for this week... And of course for the next week too... Teachers are busying prepare exams paper for us and we are busying prepare exams for them... Oh yea, and S.T.R.E.S.S.F.U.L... Don't ask me why... I don't know... I just can't concentrate on my studies sometimes... I hate myself to being like this!!!! So, i paste the paper everywhere to tell myself - I need to be more hardworking.... It's useful!!!

Describe the exams for this week:
~Modern Maths:DIE!!!! (I had done so much past year question, but i still can't solve the problem in the exam paper...)
~Add Maths: DIE seriously..... (I don't know what i can say... I had ready to die for this...)
-That's all for exams!!!-

And... I feel so unbalance today... I have band practice till 5.30 pm although the school dismiss earlier... What the XXXX!!! I don't know what i can say... My mum just ask me - Why should i have practice till so late although the school dismiss earlier??? I said - I don't know... I really don't know... Yes!!! For concert.. But if i tell my mum, she will sure scold me - You are having exam this year, can you don't participate in so many activities?? OK... And i don't know how to answer again... Holidays starts at August, and i don't know how can i survive for so long...

OK!!! For today, i stayed back till 5.30pm (Mentioned...) Not the point... It's just pointless!!! The point is - I didn't have my lunch till about 7 pm... Trust me!!! I'm not dieting for that time... I just don't have enough time to have my lunch... Don't ask me why again... Ask those who made the decision like this... I'm not the one who in-charge... Maybe they didn't think before...

Something interesting here.....
话说,那天换节,从睡梦中醒来。。(忘了是哪个老师讲课那么的催眠,让我睡着了。。)不是重点!!睡醒之后,就去一去厕所,方便一下。。进了厕所,就出回来,想说洗一洗手。。结果。。。。。。。。结果,我看到一个男的,站在镜子前面弄头发。。我就吓到了,毕竟睡眼惺忪的,很有可能进错厕所。。就在这时,那个男的,看到我,就吓了一跳。。刚好,洁莹从厕所走了出来。。我就很能确定 - 我没有进错厕所!!洁莹就走过来洗手盆那边,然后又看到那个男的。。他也有吓了一跳。。

又在这个时候,佩芬走进来。。刚好又走到洗手盆这里来。。他又看到那个男的。。那个男的就好像很怕酱。。他就一边走一边抱着那个墙壁说 - 啊。。我进错厕所了,很怕啊。。那个场面很够力搞笑。。然后,我,洁莹和佩芬就望着那个男的大笑。。回去跟我妈讲,他是进去照镜子罢了,所以也没注意有没有站的地方咯,就是男生小便站的地方。。



But as honestly, i'm having diet now... No doubt!! I'm too fat and Chinese New Year is coming... By the way, mum ask me to have a hair cut... But i don't want!!! But i also want it... Oh!!! It's just so that confusing.... I hope to have hair colour as blue purple... It's so so so that nice!!! I love that colour so much!!!

And, Evan Yo is having holidays again for 6 days... =) WooHoo~~ I'm so happy that Taiwan's NS can have such holidays... A happy case for him and his fans... Wakaka... =D I will be crazy once i saw his new status at his Facebook profile.... Lalalalala~~~~


Diabolo Boy said...

dont make urself so stress ah..
chinese new year is coming adi,
be happy..
although i always stress myself

Normal Ling said...

za dao...
call me dun so stress but u sendiri stress shir~
but me also like that...
u also dun so stress la....

YiXIang said...


Normal Ling said...

yi xiang...
help yoga promote song huh??