Sunday, April 12, 2009

About Him...

His Profile

Name: Let us just call him A as you might no need to know who is he...

Sex: Male

Age:14 years old

Details: He thought that his family is very rich... (I know this is pointless...)

What he has done???
Answer: Within half year, he changed his hand phone and his computer... Damn him!!! His father let him use a touch screen hand phone, he don't want... He want to change... Maybe he thought that his father is very rich...

He has a laptop although it is quite old... He want to change a laptop also... What the... Fine... Then his father bought him a new one... After that, when he was talking to me, he seems like very proud because he has a new laptop but i don't have... Anything... I will buy a new laptop soon... (Just see when it is...) Dare you... That time, i will also be very proud because i will have a laptop newer than you... Watch it out!!!


Anonymous said...

i think i know who he is..

Normal Ling said...

ya meh??